

This Is the Best Diet for 2019, According to Experts—and No, It’s Not Keto

Many Americans start off the new year with a resolution to eat healthier, lose weight, and get in shape. But...

The Best Diet to Try This Year Is the Mediterranean Diet, According to Our Registered Dietitian

You may have already attempted to change your diet this year — and maybe even failed spectacularly at it. The...

The 8 Best Diet Plans — Sustainability, Weight Loss, and More

It’s estimated that nearly half of American adults attempt to lose weight each year (1).One of the best ways to...
fitness get fit

Get Fit – Feel Better Every Day – Check This

Trying to get fit is a major task. There are many different things you must consider. Not only does it...
Healthy Breakfast

Top 5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas For Weight Loss 2016

Below are some top 5 breakfast ideas which I believe are perfect for any one willing to lose weight and/or...
Weight loss diet plan

How To Lose Weight The Right Way – Diet Plan

Weight loss can be a real struggle especially with the high rates and levels of obesity in our societies today,...
Weight Gain

Laziness and Weight Gain – NEW Book free for download

GET THE BOOK HERE Laziness is another big reason why you are gaining weight and piling all the pounds. Some...
Cereal Diet

Importance of Breakfast in Weight Loss

What I noticed with some diets is that breakfast is usually very small or in some cases usually eliminated. Some...
weight loss

The Healthy Balanced Diet for Weight Loss

It is usually good to be aware of what types of foods to go for to attain a healthy balanced...
bananas diet

Banana Diet! The easiest weight loss regime!

Have you ever thought that a diet can rebuild energy reserves, can ward off depression and can greatly improve sanatatatea,...